Who We Are

A Gateway Chronicles event is a mixture of LARP (Live Action Roleplaying) and traditional tabletop style play. Those in attendance will come in costume and assume a character. Players will be able to state a preference for different levels of involvement from casual roles such as guards and tavern staff to important characters who will be central to the events of the day.

In addition to the live action elements characters will be able to form groups and pass through Portals which are resolved by playing brief tabletop Expeditions. When these missions are over they return to the live action space with stories of what they experienced (and any treasures they may have won). This combination allows us to offer an adventuring experience that would be hard to realize through live action play alone.

New Players 

During any Gateway Chronicles event there will be a lot going on. It can be overwhelming to newcomers. There is plenty of information on this site to help prepare you but keep the following things in mind:

  • Take your time. You don't have to try to do everything your first time out. Just take some time to get acclimated so you can figure out what interests you. 

  • Everyone is playing a different game. The answer to "what am I supposed to do?" is "whatever seems like interesting". Some people focus on the live action roleplay elements. Others like adventuring or arena fighting. We have had folks who come to just hang out in a fantasy tavern. Our best advice is also very simple - find your own fun.  

  • Our community is your best resource. The Staff has asked some of our friendliest, most patient and knowledgeable players to act as Guides for newcomers. They have question marks on their name badges . You can always approach them when they don't seem to be in the middle of something to ask them whatever questions you may have. They won't mind.