Aligning yourself with one of the Thanes, the Freehold Alliance or with one of the nonhuman peoples is simple. There are other powers at work whose actions are shaping the new age of Kaleth as it takes shape. Many characters are affiliated with one or more of the groups on this page, and not always publicly.
Each Faction indicates the Freeholds in which it has the most support but it is not limited to these regions. This is followed by a concise one or two word description of the faction's beliefs.
NOTE: The community of the Gateway Chronicles prefers non oppositional play. That means that while you may be at cross purposes with other player characters from time to time (and you will definitely have differences of opinion) they are never your enemies. In mmorpg terms we are PvE game not a PvP game.
THANE: A reminder that aligning with a specific Thane is a viable Faction.
GOD: Aligning with the Elder Gods, the Pantheon or a specific God is also a viable Faction choice.
THE ASP (Gharash, Stegan / Crime Pays): Sometimes known euphemistically as "the Guild" even though it is nothing of the sort. This powerful Faction has worked in the shadows since the Old Kingdom and is said to have roots in Cereborn. Followers are known as "whispers" and identify each other with code phrases and hand gestures. There may once have been an individual known as the Asp but the term now refers to the secret society as a whole.
BLACK BLADE (Celedon, Gharash / Martial Strength): Those who wear the emblem of the Black Blade or who carry a sword that has been blackened believe that the only path to lasting peace is military power. They believe that the Kingdoms that fell and the chaos since the demise of Maroth are because no one had the sheer might required to unify all of Kaleth. After many failures, they seek a leader strong enough to get the job done once and for all.
FREE FOLK (Aeorid, Durgen / Freedom, Independence): Some people have found that the current state of affairs suits them. They prefer having variety of Freeholds that they believe serve the specific needs of their people better than the Kingdom ever did. They work toward peace but also to prevent anything that would unify all or most of Kaleth. They would also like for there to be more land released back into the wild. Freefolk often wear a leather leaf attached to a boot or pack.
GOLDEN PATH (Omal, Stegan / Emphasis on Trade): An order based on the belief that it is economic strength rather than simply martial or political power that can provide the stability Kaleth needs to bring order out of the chaos of the last decade. These merchants and guildfolk feel that any leadership that fails to provide a reliable economic foundation is doomed but that there is a unique opportunity to guide the land toward a new golden age of peace and prosperity. Supporters often work in secret and recognize each other through coins that are copper on one side and gold on the other.
IRON CROWN (Aredor, Margelis / Tradition, Order): These are those who believe the best way to return true peace to Kaleth is to place a descendent of the last King on the throne. The second son of Baros Emrik is the Thane of Margelis, the Freehold named for them. His first born, his daughter Unal, studies at the Academy Arcane in Iandir. Despite having the strongest claim she seems uninterested in leadership. Many Iron Crown supporters back Holden Emrik, a skilled commander who currently leads the Celedon heavy infantry though no one seems to have any insight into how he might be recruited to the cause. Faction supporters wear the emblem of the iron crown, often on a ring or amulet.
SECRET STAR (Iandir, Stegan / Knowledge is Power): Initiates of this secret society become connected to a network of scholars and loremasters known informally as the "invisible council" who have been guiding the destiny of Kalen for over a century. Opponents question the value of their counsel only to be met with claims of the countless disasters that would have happened without it. The star is often embriodered into a garment on thread of the same color as the cloth so that it is nearly impossible to see unless you are very close or it is shown (revealed) to you.
SILVER CHALICE (Aredor, Omal / Piety): Those who wear the emblem of the Silver Chalice believe that the people of Kaleth have pulled farther away from the Gods with every generation and that the chaos of the last decade s a direct result of the God' displeasure. They believe that only the Gods can lead the peoples of the land back to peace and prosperity and that they will do so when they demonstrate a return to the humble service of the Patheon.
WHITE ROSE (Celdeon, Margelis / Racial Purity and Human Exceptionalism): Taking their name from an order of knights, this racist faction believes that because Kaleth is a human homeland, no nonhuman peoples should be able to hold any position where they have authority over humans. They will seldom say this directly but talk a lot about "heritage". Members know each other by revealing an image of the rose. Those who are public wear a short length of white silk tied around the forearm like a knight's favor.