Paragon Classes
Each character can only have one Paragon Class.
You do not have to have a Paragon Class and not everyone will take one but it is an important part of the evolution of some characters.
When a character is ready, the chosen Paragon Class is taken as an Advance.
Each Paragon Class has prerequisites that include various Skills and Feats.
Each Paragon Class will each provide a special ability and are themselves prerequisites for Paragon Feats that expand what they can do relative their class.
In addition, there must be a story element that explains the characters training. A character doesn’t just suddenly become a Paladin for example. They cold be trained by another, join an order or possibly consult an ancient tome that contains the tenets of the class.
Once achieved, a character’s Paragon Class is displayed on their player badge.
A compelling performer armed with knowledge of legends and lore.
Skills: Influence 4, Lore 4
Feats: Established and Busk, History, Insight, Legends, Perform, Persuade
When you become a Bard you gain the following features:
Featured (Feature, Bard) You are welcome anywhere that isn’t already aware of and hostile to you but there will be an expectation that you will perform. If you Busk (as per the Feat) you earn 3 gold for performing for 5 or more minutes (5 if you are also Famous).
Promote (Feature, Bard) Your songs and stories can promote an idea which can have an impact far beyond any immediate empathy generated in those for whom you perform. To begin, tell the Gatekeeper what the idea is. Keep it simple - four words or less such as “Garrick is a coward”, “Cinnamon repels demons” or “Thane Hugh deserves support”. One accepted, you must perform a story or song that incorporates that narrative in some way at least once in the Live Action area. The effects (which will be determined by the Staff) will not be felt until after the session is over and your bard has travelled to share this message far and wide.
A fighter who specializes in combining light armor and heavy weapons who has learned to channel their rage to resist and inflict damage.
Skills: Athletics 3, Combat 3, Endurance 3, Resolve 3
Feats: Established and Hard, Rage, Raw, Strength, Toughness, Wallop
When you become a Berserk you gain the following features:
Center (Feature, Berserk) Once per combat, if you are Enraged, when an Edge card comes up, instead of taking the chit, you may end the Rage and recover 3 Wounds.
Purge (Feature, Berserk) Once per combat, if you are Enraged, when you make an attack that scores at least 1 damage you may end your Rage and add +2 damage.
A merchant able to leverage economic resources into influence they can use to manipulate more than wealth.
Skills: Influence 3, Linguist 2, Lore 3
Feats: Established and Appraisal, Barter, Elder, Merchant, Persuade, Trader
When you become a Broker you gain the following features:
Influence (Feature, Broker) At a cost of 50 gold you may influence This is done between sessions. Make sure to let the Staff know who (or what) you will either “support” or “oppose”. The effect of this will be taken into consideration my the Staff and will sometimes interact with the rules for “Goals” (see the Changing the World” section for details).
Loan (Feature, Broker) You may borrow cup to 100gd/session from various banks and private lenders. This may be done by checking with the Gatekeeper but should be reported to the Archivist during checkout. Any loans are expected to be paid back within a few sessions. Failure to repay risks enforcement of one sort or another by the lenders.
A heavily armored warrior who is skilled at drawing attacks to themselves to protect others.
Skills: Combat 3, Endurance 3
Feats: Established and Durable, Interpose, Intimidate, Protect, Shield, Strength, Tank, Taunt, Toughness
When you become a Bulwark you gain the following features:
Bastion (Feature, Bulwark) When taking damage from an attack that was redirected to you because you used the Interpose Feat, reduce the damage by 1.
Sentinel (Feature, Bulwark) An improved version of Taunt which automatically makes you the target of choice for any opponent (or opponents). No action is required, but it can be turned on and off at will (no more often than once a turn). When a battle begins you have the option to start with Sentinel active. As with Taunt if for some reason they can’t see or reach you they may attack someone else
A warrior who either commands a well trained and equipped mercenary company or the crew of an independently owned and operated seagoing, battle worthy vessel.
Skills: Combat 3, Influence 4, Resolve 3
Feats: Established and Coordinate, Delegate, Inspire, Lead, Merchant, Profession, Strategy
When you become a Captain you gain the following features:
Contract (Feature, Captain) Because you are able to take on lucrative contracts, you may add 10 gold to your starting wealth instead of the +1 or 2 for Profession. If you are also Famous for something that relates to your skill as a Captain add 20 gold instead.
Command (Feature, Captain) You are able to use your company (or ship) to support various causes. This is done between sessions. Make sure to let the Staff know who (or what) your force will either “support” or “oppose”. The effect of this will be taken into consideration my the Staff and will sometimes interact with the rules for “Goals” (see the Changing the World” section for details).
A divine caster who has risen to a place of prominence among their fellow Clerics. Some orders call this Class High Priest (you are free to do so as well).
Cleric Tradition Only
Skills: Influence 3, Lore 3, Perception 3, Magic 4
Feats: Established and two Disciplines or one Discipline and Mastered Magic, Insight, Persuade, Religion, Sense
When you become Chosen you gain the following features:
Augury (Feature, Chosen) Once per session, you may ask a question of your god (or gods) of up to five words which you must submit to the Gatekeeper on a piece of paper. This triggers a test for Manna Burn. They may respond immediately but can take up to 15 minutes. The answer to is never a lie but seldom a direct answer.
Sanctuary (Feature, Chosen) Once per Battle, you may use an action to declare a state of Sanctuary which means the next enemy action directed against you automatically fails.
An underworld explorer who can get past the most dangerous tricks and traps, often in search of treasure or long forgotten lore.
Skills: Agility 3, Athletics 3, Lore 3, Perception 3, Tinker 3
Feats: Established and Appraisal, Climbing, Crack, Disarm, Search, Scholar
When you become a Dungeoneer you gain access to Cartography and Runelore (but to learn them you must take them as advances)
You also gain the following features:
Nimble (Feature, Dungeoneer) You never take more than 1 damage from a trap that inflicts damage (but may be subject to other non damaging effects).
Exhume (Feature, Dungeoneer) When you on an Expedition and spend at least an hour exploring a ruins, or dungeon at least 50 years old you find artifacts that others may have missed that have value only to certain buyers. At the end of the Expedition, roll 3d12. On a 7, 8 or 9 you found an artifact with a value of 2, on a 10 or 11 one with a value of 5 and on a 12 value 9. These may only be sold between sessions so their total value is added to your starting wealth for the next time you play.
A righteous warrior whose faith sustains them and that they wield as a weapon against the unholy.
Skills: Combat 4, Lore 3, Resolve 4
Feats: Established and Medicine, Pure, Religion, Smite, Tend, Toughness
When you become a Paladin you gain the following features:
Aura (Feature, Paladin) On your turn, you may place one character under your protection. This doesn’t take an action and lasts until the end of the battle or until you assign it to someone else. Only one character can be protected at one time in this way. The protected character glows with a silvery Aura which gives them one reroll they can use for any save or defense test.
Divine Sense (Feature, Paladin) Three times per Expedition you may detect the presence of evil. This must be done in a noncombat situation and doesn’t require a test. You will be able to feel if there is supernatural influence active within a quarter mile and if there is, in roughly what direction it lies but not what kind or how powerful. This ability is triggered by the presence of undead and demons as well as evil spells and spell like effects such as curses or cursed areas. You can recognize the source of the evil emanation if it is no more than 100 yards away.
A Druid whose has become one with the wilds they protect.
Druid Tradition Only
Skills: Linguist 3, Magic 4, Pathfinder 5
Feats: Established and two Disciplines or one Discipline and Mastered Magic, Harvest, Herbalist, Jae, Nature, Survival
When you become a Preserver you gain the following features:
Beastmaster (Feature, Preserver) You can command any natural animal. They will understand and obey (but cannot speak) but since you are tasked with defending the wild they should only be exposed to danger if there is no other choice. If commanded to fight, any Edge card can be used to make an animal attack tht automatically inflicts 2 damage against a Defense of 9 or less.
Wildshape (Feature, Preserver) While on Expedition you may suffer a wound to change into the animal of your choice. You may remain in that form as long as you like and may change back at any time (in Battle it must be during your turn). In animal form have the Notice Feat which allows you to automatically succeed in any Perception test with a Difficulty of less than 9 that involves spotting something. If the chosen shape has natural weapons you may attack with a Combat Skill Rank of 3 but can’t inflict more than 2 damage. If you take a number of Wounds equal to your Wound Capacity while in animal form you don’t have make a Death Save - you turn back and lose consciousness.
A lightly armored single blade fighter who has focused on mobility, speed and panache.
Skills: Agility 3, Combat 3, Endurance 2, Resolve 2
Feats: Established and Blade, Feint, First Strike, Flurry, Ready, Sword Fighter
When you become a Swashbuckler you gain access to Avoid and Flourish (but to learn them you must take them as advances)
You also gain the following features:
Flashing Blade (Feature, Swashbuckler) Any time you attack with a one handed blade, you have the option of raising the difficulty by 1 and adding an Advantage Chit to the Reserve. You need to actually roll to get this benefit so it can’t be combined with Precision.
Precision (Feature, Swashbuckler) You may choose to automatically succeed when making a melee attack with a one handed blade against a Difficulty of less than 9 (scoring twice for 2 damage).
Combines wilderness skills with archery ability.
Skills: Combat 3, Pathfinder 3, Perception 2, Stealth 2
Feats: Established and Aim, Archer, Guide, Hunter, Nature, Ranger, Scout
When you become a Warden you gain the following features:
Cover (Feature, Warden) If you have yet to have a turn or the last action you took was a ranged attack and you are targeted by a ranged (or ranged spell) attack you may dive for cover in which case the attack automatically misses but you lose your next action.
Slayer (Feature, Warden) An improved version of Hunter. If you are using a bow and you inflict at least 1 damage you may spend 1 Advantage Chit to inflict an extra point of damage (unless you are wearing heavy armor). This is not limited to beasts. You may inflict extra damage against any target.
A mage who has reached a level of power and insight that makes them an acknowledged master of the mystic arts.
Mage Tradition Only
Skills: Lore 3, Perception 3, Magic 5, Resolve 4
Feats: Established and three Disciplines, Mastered Magic, Arcana, Cantrips, Rituals, Runelore, Sense
When you become a Wizard you become well known and if you din’t already have the Famous Advantage, Infamous Disadvantage or Reputation Trait you must choose one and add it at no cost (taking Infamous will not allow you to take a new Advantage).
You also gain the following Features:
Empowered (Feature, Wizard) You may Master two Disciplines (instead of the usual limit of 1). You will need to take the Mastered Magic feat twice to do this.
Inscribe (Feature, Wizard) You may create magic scrolls. This works like Alchemy and Enchantment. At the start of each session, you may choose 2 scrolls off the standard list.
A stealthy rogue who moves unseen and strikes from the shadows.
Skills: Agility 3, Combat 3, Stealth 3
Feats: Established and Dodge, Evasion, Knife Fighter, Rogue, Shank, Skulk, Sneak
When you become a Wraith you gain the following features:
Shadow Step (Feature, Wraith) An improved Sneak Attack that doesn’t require setup (or surprise). You move into and out of concealment in such a way that gives you a reroll and if you hit, to score +1 damage. If it is the first attack of a battle (by anyone) and you have the Crit Feat you may use it without spending Advantage Chits if you hit (for +3 damage total).
Vanish (Feature, Wraith) Once per battle, when you are targeted by an attack, you may use this Feat to cause the attack to automatically miss *and* to add 2 Advantage Chits to the Reserve.