
IMPORTANT: For the most part, skills are used during Expeditions. It is possible that a staff member may call for a Skill Test from time to time, but this can intrude on immersion so it’s better in the live action space to simply assume characters who have the required skills succeed at simple things.

There is a standard list of 12 skills. Athletics, Combat, Influence, Linguist, Lore, Pathfinder, Perception, Stealth and Tinker and three "Saves" - Agility, Endurance and Resolve (which are also treated as Skills).

All skills are have a Skill Rank. You initial choice of Skills and Skill Ranks will be determined during character creation. During play you may acquire new skills and improve the ones you know by spending experience you earn during sessions between sessions (see the Advancement section for more on this).

NOTE: Someone who has just picked up a skill begins at 1 (Familiarity), a Novice is 2. Competence is a 3 or 4. Mastery is 5+. It is theoretically possible to have a Skill Rank as high as 8 but a score higher than 6 is very rare and indicates amazing ability.

  • To make a Skill Test roll 3D12 against a Difficulty set by the GM.

  • Typical Difficulties: Easy 5-6 / Average 7-9 / Hard 10+

When you make a Skill Test you may (but do not have to) re-roll one die whose result is equal to or less than your characters Skill Rank (the new roll stands even if it was lower than the original roll). Your Skill Rank only allows you one re-roll but there are abilities that can give you more (these extra re-rolls come from Feats).

IMPORTANT: You may re-roll a re-roll as many times as you have the ability to do so Each time, the new roll stands.

  • If only 1 of the dice equals or exceeds the Difficulty you score a Partial Success which means you accomplished some but not all of what you means to do or didn’t do it as well as you would have liked.

  • If 2 of the dice equals or exceeds the Difficulty you Succeed. If a task is Pass/Fail you need a Success (2 dice scoring) to Pass.

  • If all 3 dice equal or exceed the Difficulty you score an Exceptional Success. In general this means you did very well.

IMPORTANT: Skills with a social element (Deception, Intimidation, Leadership, Persuasion) can never be used against another PC.

Unskilled Tests

IMPORTANT: If you need to test a skill that you don’t have, you only roll 2 dice instead of 3. That means you can’t score an Exceptional Success.

You can’t test the Magic skill at all if your character doesn’t have it.