Taking an Advantage gives your character something that helps make them distinctive.
You do not have to take an Advantage. Only take one if it makes sense.
Taking an Advantage may only be done during character creation and if you take one you must also take a Disadvantage.
One Advantage is the limit for all nonhuman characters.
Two Advantages is the limit for humans (they can take a second Advantage because they get a Feature called “Advantaged”)
If you take two Advantages you must also take two Disadvantages.
Skill Ranks granted by Advantages do not count against those you can assign during character creation.
Bonus Feats do not count against those you can choose during character creation.
CASTERS: If you want your character to be able to do magic, they will have to have the Caster Advantage. Casters are less common. then they are in most of the popular ttrpgs you may be used to. Being a Caster is a big decision and a big deal. Prodigy gives a Caster a leg up on skills and abilities when they are starting out but requires a sevond Advanatage so is only available to human characters.
Athletic (Advantage) Start with Athletics at Rank 3 and Climbing, Jumping, Riding, Running, Strength or Swimming as a Bonus Feat.
Caster (Advantage) Your character gains the Magic Skill at Rank 1. You will need to define your character’s Tradition (which is explained in the Magic section). Each Tradition has a Feat as a Prerequisite. The Caster Advantage also gives you the required Feat as a Bonus Feat even if you wouldn’t normally qualify for it (for example, the Mage tradition requires the Arcana Feat which normally has a Prerequisite of Lore 3 but Caster gives it to you no matter what your characters Lore Skill Rank is). Note that if you need to test for a Skill your character doesn’t have they must still roll 2 dice (so a Mage granted Arcana this way that has no Skill Ranks in Lore will automatically succeed in any Lore test with a Difficulty of less than 9 that involves knowing about Arcane magic and how it works but any other use of Lore is considered Unskilled).
Charismatic (Advantage) You begin with the Influence Skill at Rank 3 and Deceive, Intimidate, Lead, Perform, Persuade or Teach as a Bonus Feat.
Chosen (Pantheist Humans or Hearthlanders that serve the Elder Gods Only): Your character is a favorite of one of the Gods (choose which one). All they know is priests saw an omen on the day of their birth and that they have always felt an affinity to the God that favors them. You must take Enemy Disadvantage to offset this Trait (the followers of their God’s enemies are their enemies as well). They will forever be subject to divine machinations. If a Chosen character takes a Mortal Wound they are unconscious but stable and their Wound Capacity is reduced by 1 for the rest of the session.
Educated (Advantage) Start with Lore at Rank 3 and Arcana, History, Legends, Religion or Strategy as a Bonus Feat.
Epic Agility (Advantage) Start with Agility at Rank 3 and automatically succeed in any Agility test with a Difficulty of less than 9.
Epic Endurance (Advantage) Start with Endurance at Rank 3 and automatically succeed in any Endurance test with a Difficulty of less than 9.
Epic Resolve (Advantage) Start with Resolve at Rank 3 and automatically succeed in any Resolve test with a Difficulty of less than 9.
Fast (Advantage) When building the Combat Deck, add all 3 Player Icon cards instead of the usual 2. That means your character is likely to act sooner and more often in battle.
Fated (Advantage) Your character has a destiny. What it is and how much they initially know about it is up to you. You may choose to leave it entirely in the hands of the staff. This isn’t necessarily an Advantage as such (often quite the opposite) but will likely be heroic in some way.
Heirloom (Advantage) Your character inherited a magical item. Work with the staff to decide what it is and what it does.
Highborn (Advantage, Humans Only): Your character is part of a noble family. Work with the staff to decide what family and how highly placed they are but whatever the situation is, bear in mind that they would have to have the freedom to be an adventurer. You get Noble and Wealth as a Bonus Feats (the Noble rank added after character creation will usually be of a lower order such a Knighthood or Lordship - Highborn characters are often Viscounts or Barons).
Kin (Advantage, Mostly Humans, optional TAG): Your character was either raised by another race or has someone of that race in their bloodline. You are still human but get the Feat for the associated racial language and may take one Feat normally limited to members of that race as a Bonus Feat (see the Racal Feats section for details). If you have the blood of another race in your line you may have physical features of that race (a half elf may have pointed ears, someone with a dwarven ancestor may have an unusually magnificent beard - that kind of thing). You are still Human so do not have the Nonhuman disadvantage (which means you can be raised from the dead). this Advantage can be taken by nonhumans in which case it is almost always a character of race A is raised by race B. It functions the same. They get the extra language and feat from the adoptive race. it is up to you whether the Kinship is obvious enough to be added to your name tag.
Lucky (Advantage) When rolling three dice to make a test and two of those dice roll a matching value (doubles) both dice get a +1 bonus. If all three dice match (triples) all dice get a +2 bonus. If you re-roll a die or dice so they are no longer matching the bonus is lost and the bonus does not apply to dice that match after a re-roll (only the first roll is considered).
Mighty (Advantage, TAG) Your character is exceptionally strong and visibly so - the word Mighty will be added to your name tag. gets Strength as a Bonus Feat. In addition, the first time time they roll at least one 12 as part of an attack test with a melee weapon they inflict 1 extra point of damage. Thereafter, they get the extra damage any time they roll at least one 12 and spend 1 Advantage Chit.
Patron (Advantage) Your character has an influential person or organization watching out for them. Work with the staff to decide who or what it is. Their Patron can help them in a variety of ways but typically during between time between sessions.
Polyglot (Advantage) Start with Linguist at Rank 3 and two additional of the following as Bonus Feats - Aeorul, Ceral, Gharj, Jae, Oha, Skurn or Telktar.
Prodigy (Advantage, Casters Only) Can only be taken by characters who also have the Caster Advantage. Start with the Magic Skill at Rank 3 (instead of the Rank 1 given by Caster). In addition, take a Discipline as a Bonus Feat (see the Magic Feats section for details).
Pure (Advantage) Your character is pure of heart and cannot be corrupted or dominated by any evil force. Animals (particularly dogs and horses) can sense this and tend to react positively to them.
Veteran (Advantage) Start with Combat at Rank 3 and Aim, Blade, Brawling, Dual, Fighter, Shield or Toughness as a Bonus Feat.