Master Feats Reference

Aeorul (Base Feat, Linguist 3) You may speak, read and write the language of the elves fluently. This never requires a test.

Aim (Base Feat, Combat 3) When attacking with a ranged weapon such as a bow or crossbow (but not a thrown weapon) and you take your entire turn to attack (you don’t move or do anything else) you may choose to automatically Succeed if the Combat test has a Difficulty of less than 9 (unless you are wearing heavy armor).

Appraisal (Base Feat, Lore 3) You may automatically succeed in any Lore test with a Difficulty of less than 9 that involves determining the value of something. The Difficulty is determined by how rare and how tricky it is to figure out what it is worth. This cannot be used to determine the value of magical items unless you also have the Arcana Feat.

Arcana (Base Feat, Lore 3) You may automatically succeed in any Lore test with a Difficulty of less than 9 that involves knowing about Arcane magic and how it works.

Archer (Feat, Combat 3, Aim) You specialize with the bow. You may only specialize with one weapon so if you take this Feat you may not take any other Specialization Feat (which include Axe Fighter, Knife Fighter and Swordfighter). Archer gives you a re-roll when making an attack test with a bow (unless you are wearing heavy armor).

Athlete (Feat, Requires any 3 of the following: Climbing, Jumping, Riding, Running, Strength, Swimming). You may treat any Partial Success with any Athletics test as a Success.

Authority (Feat, see Description) You must have one of the Feats that allows you to “automatically succeed in any Influence test with a Difficulty of less than 9” under certain circumstances such as History (which allows automatic success of a Lore test that involves the history of any region know to you) or Nature (which allows automatic success of a Pathfinder test that involves the natural order of any region know to you, including information about weather patterns, seasons, flora and fauna). You may define a further specialization of that area of knowledge (so “the great battles of the Banner Wars” as a narrowing of History or “Northern Plains” as a narrowing of Nature). This field of expertise is only useful for knowledge - not for action. When a test is required, you will automatically achieve an Exceptional Success because you know all there is to know about the subject. In addition, if you are Famous for being an Authority and it is your Profession, you may add 10 gold for the Profession Feat to your starting Wealth instead of 1. A character may only be an Authority about one thing.

Avoid (Feat, Combat 3, Dodge & Evasion or Swashbuckler) When fighting wearing light (or no) armor you may spend 1 Advantage Chit to avoid taking any damage from an attack but will lose your next turn. This may be done at any point in the resolution process including immediately before taking damage. This option isn’t available if you have already lost your next turn and the loss is still pending.

Awareness (Base Feat, Perception 3) You may automatically succeed in any Perception test with a Difficulty of less than 9 to avoid being surprised.

Axefighter (Feat, Combat 3, Fighter, Smash and either Dwarven or Combat 5) You specialize with the axe. You may only specialize with one weapon so if you take this Feat you may not take any other Specialization Feat (which include Archer, Knife Fighter and Swordfighter). Axefighter gives you a re-roll when making an attack roll with an axe of any kind (one or two handed). It also allows you to use Smash with a one handed Axe (on an Exceptional Success, spend an Advantage Chit to inflict +1 damage).

Barter (Base Feat, Influence 3) You may automatically succeed in any Influence test with a Difficulty of less than 9 that involves negotiating a good price for goods and services (often 20% off the initial ask).

Bash (Feat, Combat 3, Brawling) Your fighting style may now incorporate weapons and brawling moves such as a sudden jab or head butt. Once per battle, if one of the dice rolled for your combat test scores two points higher than the target’s defense, add 1 damage.

Battledance (Base Feat, Elf, Combat 3, Brawling, Perform): This Feat allows you specialize in unarmed combat. You may only specialize with one weapon so if you take this Feat you may not take any other Specialization Feats. Battledance gives you a re-roll when making an unarmed attack.

Beastbond (Base Feat, Wyldling, Beastmastery): Your character can communicate with natural (non magical) beasts. They won’t interact if hostile. Only simple ideas can be shared. The sophistication of these exchanges depends on the creature in question and is limited to their perspective and comprehension (for example: squirrels don’t know what a guard is but are acutely aware of local predators).

Beastmastery (Base Feat, Pathfinder 3) You may automatically succeed in any Pathfinder test with a Difficulty of less than 9 that involves dealing with animals (animal handling).

Blade (Base Feat, Combat 3) Once per round, when attacking with a one handed sword in light (or no) armor with nothing in the off hand, you may spend an Advantage Chit to make an additional re-roll.

Block (Feat, Agility 1, Combat 2) This Feat allows you to use your off hand weapon as a shield. It has no effect other than you can use any of the shield Feats with it.

Blocker (Feat, Combat 3, Shield) Normally, to make a Ranged Attack another character must volunteer to act as a Blocker for you by committing to make a melee attack as their next action. A character with the Blocker Feat can act as a Blocker without having to make that commitment.

Brace (Feat, Combat 3, Knife Fighter, Slight) Once per combat, when an Edge card is drawn, instead of adding a chit you may throw several daggers at the target of your choice (unless you are wearing heavy armor). This is resolved as a standard combat test (in this case the daggers thrown count as a single attack).

Brawler (Feat, Combat 3, Brawling, Strength) Your unarmed attacks inflict damage the same way attacks with weapons do.

Brawling (Base Feat, Combat 3) Normally, unarmed attacks can only do 1 point of damage When attacking an unarmored humanoid opponent, this Feat eliminates that restriction.

Brewbold (Base Feat, Dwarf): Once per Expedition your character can drink some dwarven mead they carry with them, which takes 10 minutes but restores 2 Wounds but they become intoxicated and in the next combat they are in and lose their first turn (intoxication ends 10 minutes after the character returns to the live Action space). Dwarves who also have the Ironblood feat are immune to this penalty.<p>Busk (Feat, Perform) If you perform in the tavern (in the main room of the live action space) for at least 5 minutes the Innkeeper will “tip” you 1 gold. You may do this up to 3 times per session. Charisma raises the tip to 2 gold per performance.

Build (Base Feat, Tinker 3) You may automatically succeed in any Tinker test with a Difficulty of less than 9 that involves building a simple mechanical device.

Busk (Feat, Perform) If you perform in the tavern (in the main room of the live action space) for at least 5 minutes the Innkeeper will “tip” you 1 gold. You may do this up to 3 times per session. Charismatic raises the tip to 2 gold per performance.

Cartography (Base Feat, Pathfinder 3 or Dungeoneer) You are skilled at making maps that are accurate, easy to read and informative. You don’t need to make a test to do so. This Feat only covers land maps - for navigational maps you will need the Navigate Heroic Feat.

Cerul (Base Feat, Linguist 3) The language of the Iash of Cereborn. Has both spoken and written forms.

Charge (Feat, Combat 2, Athlete) The first time your card comes up in each combat, if you are not already in combat, you may choose to charge into combat against the opponent of your choice. If you are wearing heavy armor and you inflict at least 1 damage, you inflict an extra point.

Charismatic (Feat, Requires any 3 of the following: Barter, Deceive, Intimidate, Lead, Perform, Persuade, Teach). You may treat any Partial Success with any Influence test as a Success.

Clear (Feat, Kindler, Repair) You may clear a jammed weapon with an Action or by spending 2 Advantage Chits as your turn begins.

Cleave (Feat, Athletics 2, Combat 4) Once per battle, after resolving a melee attack with a two handed weapon against an enemy force that consists of more than one individual, you may spend 2 Advantage Chits to make another attack with the same weapon. This is technically against a different individual but since the system treats a group as one opponent, you just attack again. No Feats affect this second attack.

Climbing (Base Feat, Athletics 3) You may automatically succeed in any Athletics test with a Difficulty of less than 9 that involves climbing.

Clobber (Feat, Combat 3, Strength) Once per battle when wielding a large two handed club you may make a Clobbering attack by making a Combat Test with a -1 to each die but if you score an Exceptional Success, your opponent loses their next turn. This doesn’t affect automatons or the undead.

Commemorate (Feat, Perform and Busk or Craft and Tool Kit) You commemorate an event or great deed either with a performance (using Perform and Busk) or by creating an artful object (using Craft and Tool Kit). In either case, public presentation must be made to someone involved with the event being commemorated. Let the Gatekeeper know when you intend to do this and tell the Archivist when you check out. You may only do twice a session. The first time earns you 2 exp - the second an additional 1 exp (3 exp total).

Conceal (Base Feat, Stealth 3) You may automatically succeed in any Stealth test with a Difficulty of less than 9 that involves hiding something. This can include you if you don’t move after finding a hiding place.

Confound (Base Feat, Fey, Combat 2, Influence 2): You get a re-roll any time you perform an Maneuver in Combat because you are an expert at distracting and frustrating your opponents.

Coordinate (Feat, Combat 3, Lead, Strategy) If you are fighting alongside companions who are willing to follow your lead, you begin each combat with 2 Advantage Chits in the Reserve. Only 1 person can lead.

Crack (Base Feat, Tinker 3) You may automatically succeed in any Tinker test with a Difficulty of less than 9 that involves picking a lock or opening a secure mechanical latch.

Craft (Base Feat) You have a skill that allows you to how to make or customize something. Normally no test is required, but if you are asked to test, resolve it as though you have a Skill Rank of 4. You have basic tools for simple work but producing anything of quality requires access to a workbench (which can be done on Expedition to Grendelmir or with the Tool Kit Feat).

Crit (Feat, Combat 5) When you score an Exceptional Success with with any weapon (melee or ranged), you may spend 3 Advantage chits to inflict +2 damage. This may be combined with other Feats that increase damage.

Daggervile (Feat, Linguist 2, Streetwise) An argot used by rogues. Sometimes known as “thieves cant”.

Damnation (Base Feat, Hellspawn, 3 Black or 3 White beads, Retribution): If your character is reduced to 0 Wounds by a directed attack (something someone did, not environmental damage) you may choose to die and to DRAG THE ATTACKER TO HELL WITH YOU.

Deathgift (Base Feat, Elf, Resolve 3, Arcana): When another character in your party has failed a Death Save, has a Mortal Wound and is facing death you know an ancient technique whereby your spirit passes over instead of theirs. They are saved and restored to full health and you die. This death is a choice - it cannot be prevented or reversed but you will have a few moments to speak to your companions before you pass.

Deceive (Base Feat, Influence 3) You may automatically succeed in any Influence test with a Difficulty of less than 9 that involves lying or misleading.

Defiance (Base Feat, Uruk, Endurance 2, Resolve 2): Once per Expedition, when you take 1 (and only 1) damage, you may immediately heal 2 Wounds (the one you just took and one more).

Delay (Feat, Combat 2, Strategy) When an opponent’s card comes up you may move it to the bottom of the deck for 2 Advantage Chits.

Delegate (Feat, Combat 2, Lead) When your turn comes up, for 1 Advantage Chit you may delgate it to the companion of your choice who must immediately take action as though their card had been drawn.

Disarm (Base Feat, Tinker 3) You may automatically succeed in any Tinker test with a Difficulty of less than 9 that involves disarming a trap. Finding a trap requires a Perception/Notice test. 

Disarming Strike (Feat, Agility 3, Combat 4) Once per battle, when you are attacking an opponent (or opponents) who armed with a weapon that could be dropped and you are armed with a one handed sword or whip you may attempt a Disarming Strike which can’t inflict more than 1 damage but if you scored with 2 or more dice, your opponent loses their next attack.

Distract (Feat, Combat 2, Athlete) When your are able to use the movement part of your turn to run wildly around the battlefield, you may add 1 Advantage Chit to the Resource Pool (unless you are wearing heavy armor). You can do this and still take an Action.

Dodge (Feat, Combat 3, Evasion) If you are wearing Light (or no) armor, when an attack is announced against you, you may spend 2 Advantage Chits to force the attacker to choose another target (this only works if there is another target available).

Double Speak (Feat, Daggervile, Stealth 2) You may say two things at once in such a way that only those within a few feet will understand the simple statement that is your actual message. Anyone farther away will hear pointless blather. On Expedition just tell the moderator when you are doing this. In the Live Action space use a written note to express the hidden message.

Dual (Base Feat, Combat 3) When fighting with a weapon in each hand, you may spend an Advantage Chit to change the result of one of the dice you rolled to resolve a Combat test when attacking to the result of another your dice (so if you rolled 3, 6 and 9, you could spend a chit to change the 3 to a 9).

Duel (Base Feat, Combat 3) When duelling in the arena (one on one armed with duelling weapons in light (or no) armor against an opponent also using duelling weapons and willing to fight according to the Code), you get an extra re-roll when setting up (the results of arena combat are decided before the combat is acted out in the live action area).

Durable (Feat, Combat 3, Endurance 3) When wearing heavy armor you may automatically succeed when defending against a melee or ranged attack if the Combat test has a Difficulty of less than 9 (reducing the damage by 2). This does not help against magic attacks.

Earthborn (Base Feat, Dwarf, Athletics 1, Endurance 1, Brawling): As a child of the earth, you are made of tougher stuff than most humanoids. You get 1 extra Wound.

Echo (Base Feat, Elf, Lore 2, Resolve 2): Once per Expedition, your character may automatically succeed at any Skill test (combat or otherwise) with a Difficulty of less than 9 because they remember having done the same before at some point in their long life.

Edge (Feat, Combat 1) When one of your player cards is chosen you can treat it as though an Edge card was drawn instead (add 1 Advantage Chit to the pool unless someone uses a Feat to exploit the opportunity to do something else). This is a great option for noncombat characters who want a way to contribute more to battles.

Eler (Feat, Linguist 2, Merchant) An argot used by merchants. The written form incorporates a kind of shorthand that allows records to be kept quickly and efficiently.

Equipped (Base Feat) Begin each session with two items from the following list: Antidote Potion, Arrow Charm, Backfire Ward, Gillian’s Knot, Healing Potion, Manna Stone, Save Charm (any type).

Evasion (Base Feat, Agility 2, Combat 2) When fighting with light (or no) weapon (or weapons) and wearing light (or no) armor you may you automatically succeed when defending if the Combat test has a Difficulty of less than 9 (reducing the damage by 2).

Faith (Base Feat, Resolve 3) Your character has such a strong conviction to their god (or gods) that they cannot be corrupted or dominated by any evil force. This is similar to the effect of the Pure Feat but cannot be sensed by animals. The same character seldom has both Faith and Pure.

Famous (Base Feat) It will say “Reputation” on your badge and you must tell anyone who asks what your Reputation is. It must be something positive like “I’m the finest blade in the land” or “I once saved a town single handedly”. It doesn’t have to be true. You can’t take Famous if you are Infamous.

Fearless (Feat, Resolve 5) Your character is immune to fear of any sort, magical or otherwise.

Feint (Feat, Combat 3 and either Knife Fighter or Swordfighter) When you hit with your dagger or one handed sword and would normally inflict 2 or more damage you may use this Feat to reduce your damage by 1 and add 2 Advantage Chits to your Reserve.

Fellmonger (Feat, Pathfinder 3) At the end of an Expedition on which you have killed at least one larger than man sized beast, or several smaller ones, you will have been able to gather skins and furs with a value equal to your Pathfinder Skill Rank (so if you have Pathfinder 3, you gather 3 gold worth of material).

Fence (Feat, Merchant, Streetwise) You are involved (or get involved) in the black market wherever you go. Add +10 gold to your starting funds.

Fighter (Base Feat, Combat 3) When fighting with a one handed weapon (regardless of whether or not there is another weapon or shield in the other) while wearing medium or better armor, if your first Combat test is a complete miss (no dice score) you may reroll the entire test (all three dice). This must be done before any dice are re-rolled and you still get to do any re-rolls you have coming for the new test.

Fighting Style (Feat, Combat 3, Blade) You have trained in one of four fighting styles used by classic blade masters - Aru, Beya, Ciht and Dal. You may take this Feat more than once to learn more one style, but no more than 1 style for every 2 full Combat Skill Ranks (so 1 at 2, 2 at 4, 3 at 6 and all 4 at Skill Rank 8). When fighting a single opponent armed with a one handed sword you gain a temporary Advantage Point that only you can use every turn for every Style you know. If you are walking this path, you may need to find a mentor to teach you each of the styles.

Fireproof (Base Feat, Hellspawn, Endurance 3): Your character is immune to fire and fire damage. They cannot burn and do not feel heat.

First Shot (Feat, Combat 3, Archer) At the start of any combat you may make an attack with a bow before any cards are drawn (unless you are wearing heavy armor).

First Strike (Feat, Combat 3 and either Knife Fighter or Swordfighter) At the start of any combat you may make an attack with a dagger or one handed sword before any cards are drawn (unless you are wearing heavy armor).

Flail (Feat, Combat 4, Toughness) When you attack with a Flail against an opponent who has a shield equipped you add +1 to all three of your dice and if you hit, you score +1 damage.

Flitter (Base Feat, Fey or Hellspawn with Agility 1, Athletics 2, Combat 2): You have limited flight while wearing light (or no) armor. It only works on Expedition and when you do it you manifest wings (unless you are already wearing them). You can only fly a few feet off the ground and only for short distances (great for crossing chasms, doing assisted leaps and avoiding falling damage). Once per combat, when an Edge card is drawn, instead of adding an Advantage Chit to the Reserve you may take a turn as though your card was drawn (you Flitted into position) OR when you are targeted by an attack, you may force the attacker to choose a new target (you Flitted away).

Flourish (Combat 3, Perform or Swashbuckler) Once per battle, when you inflict at least 1 damage with a melee attack you may also add 2 Advantage Chits to your Reserve.

Flurry (Feat, Combat 4, Toughness) After resolving a melee combat attack with a one handed weapon (regardless of outcome) you may spend 2 Advantage Chits to attack the same target again with the same weapon (unless you are wearing heavy armor). No Feats affect this second attack but you may still re-roll a die that is equal to or less than your Combat Skill Rank.

Forest Fighter (Base Feat, Wyldling, Athletics 2, Combat 2, Pathfinder 2, Perception 2): When fighting in woods or forests, you get an extra re-roll every time you have to make an attack or defend test.

Gambler (Feat, Appraisal or Deceive) If you participate in gambling games with the Dealer (in the main room of the live action space) for at least 15 minutes you will earn 1 gold (if you have both Appraisal and Deceive you earn 3 gold instead). You may do this up to 3 times per session.

Gharj (Base Feat, Uruk or Linguist 2) You may speak the language of the Uruk fluently. This never requires a test. Gharj has no written form.

Giantslayer (Base Feat, Dwarf, Combat 2, Fighter): When you score a hit against a much larger opponent (at least double your size), you may spend 1 Advantage Chit to add 1 damage. If you also have the Smash feat, are using a Greataxe and the attack was an Exceptional Success it only costs 1 Advantage chit to use both abilities (doing 5 damage).

Gladiator (Feat, Combat 3, Perform) You get 2 experience points the first time you participate in Arena Combat and 1 more point for the next 2 times (for a maximum bonus of 4 exp).

Greenborn (Base Feat, Wyldling, Endurance 2, Resolve 2): Once per Expedition, while in the outdoors, your character may meditate for 10 minutes which restores 2 Wounds and and reinvigorates them as much as if they has rested for a full hour.

Greyhawk (Feat, Appraisal, Search) Once per Expedition after defeating enemies that had gear you could sell, you may collect 4 gold.

Guide (Base Feat, Pathfinder 3) You may automatically succeed in any Pathfinder test with a Difficulty of less than 9 that involves leading a party to a desired destination. Using a map usually results in a Difficulty less than 9 so a Guide can use one to get you where you want to go without rolling.

Gunsmith (Feat, Tinker 5, Clear, Craft: Guns) You may repair a gun that has backfired by spending 30 minutes while on Expedition or 10 minutes in the Live Action area pretending to do so (it might help to have some props on hand for doing this).

Hard (Feat, Toughness, Combat 3, Endurance 2, Resolve 2) While wearing no armor (carrying a shield is fine) you may spend 1 Advantage Chit to reduce the damage caused by any melee attack against you by 1. This may be coupled with the effects of the Evasion Feat.

Harvest (Feat, Survival) At the end of an Expedition on which you have killed at least one larger than man sized monster or beast, you will be able to gather one “Bundle of Bones” (this requires about an hour). Also allows you to collect one “Vial of Potent Blood” per Expedition from the corpse of a monstrous beast such as a Griffon. These creatures are usually found by going on a Expedition to specifically to find them (such by using the Hunting Lodge card in the Core Arcanum when it is available). These materials are used by Enchanters. Bones and blood can be collected from the same creature and if more than one party member has this feat there is enough for all to have it to collect.

Healthy (Feat, Endurance 5) Your character doesn’t get sick, is immune to disease and only needs to eat, drink and sleep about half as much as others of their race. They are also likely to be long lived.

Hearthguard (Base Feat, Hearthlander, Combat 2): When protecting your home, you get a re-roll on any and all Combat tests (attacking or defending) and on Endurance and Resolve tests.

Hearty (Feat, Endurance 3, Athlete) You may take an additional wound which is represented by adding a red bead to your badge.

Herbalist (Feat, Nature) At the end of an Expedition on which you have spent at least an hour in the outdoors in or near the wilds, you will be able to gather one “Bundle of Herbs”. You can also collect a “Vial of Extracted Essence” at the end of an Expedition specifically undertaken to find Rare Herbs when you have spent at least two hours searching in an area where they can be found (such as in the Verdant Fields card in the Core Arcanum when it is available). These materials are used by Alchemists. If more than one party member has this feat there is enough for all to have it to collect Herbs or Essence. The Hunter Gatherer Feat allows you to gather two Bundles or Vials any time you have the opportunity to gather one.

History (Base Feat, Lore 3) You may automatically succeed in any Lore test with a Difficulty of less than 9 that involves the history of any region known to you. This includes heraldry where applicable.

Hunter (Feat, Combat 4, Nature, Scout) If you are using a bow, crossbow or spear to attack a natural (or giant) beast (but not a monster like an Owlbear) and you inflict at least 1 damage you may spend 1 Advantage Chit to inflict an extra point of damage (unless you are wearing heavy armor).

Hunter Gatherer (Feat, Fellmonger, Harvest and/or Herbalist) You may collect Bones and/or Herbs twice per Expedition (this does not affect the collection of Blood or Essence). If you have Fellmonger, if you killed at least two larger than man sized beasts or at least a dozen smaller ones on an Expedition you may gather twice the usual value in materials.

Infernal (Base Feat, Hellspawn or Linguist 5) You may speak, read and write the language of demons fluently. This never requires a test.

Insight (Base Feat, Perception 3) You may automatically succeed in any Perception test with a Difficulty of less than 9 that involves reading someone’s emotional state. Can be useful for figuring out if someone is lying but sussing out a good liar could have a Difficulty of 9 or more so wouldn’t be affected by this Feat.

Inspirational (Feat, Inspire) In battle, when you draw an Edge card, instead of taking an Advantage Chit, you may Inspire one willing character who can hear you. On their next action, the Inspired character may change the result of a single die to either a 1 or a 6. This may be done before or after any reroll and does not count as a reroll.

Inspire (Feat, Lead or Perform) In battle you may use an Action to Inspire a willing target who can hear you. On their next action, the Inspired character may change the result of a single die to either a 1 or a 6. This may be done before or after any reroll and does not count as a reroll.

Instinct (Feat, Combat 2, Observant) When making the first roll to resolve a combat test, if any dice come up “3” one of them scores regardless of the difficulty.

Intercept (Feat, Combat 4, Running) Once per combat, when an opponent action card is drawn and the moderator declares an attack against anyone but you, you may spend 2 Advantage Chits to charge the opponent who will be attacking, attacking them in melee combat first. Once your attack is resolved, if they are still standing, they may still attack and have the option to change their target to you.

Interpose (Feat, Combat 3) When an attack is announced against another member of your party, you may spend 2 Advantage Chits to make yourself the target instead.

Intimidate (Base Feat, Influence 3) You may automatically succeed in any Influence test with a Difficulty of less than 9 that involves intimidating someone. In combat this requires and action and depending on the opponent(s) and the situation could result in them fleeing, surrendering or panicking which would make them fight less effectively.

Ironblood (Base Feat, Dwarf, Endurance 3, Toughness): You take 1 less damage from any poison based attacks, suffer no other effects of poison and when intoxicated can “shake it off” at any time.

Jab (Feat, Combat 4, Brawling) When fighting with a weapon in one hand and nothing in the other (no shield) when an Edge card comes up, instead of taking an Advantage Chit, you may make an unarmed attack. Remember, unarmed attacks can only do 1 point of damage unless that limitation is improved or removed by Feats such as Brawling and Brawler.

Jae (Base Feat, Wildling or Linguist 3) You may speak the language of the wildlings fluently. This never requires a test. Jae has no written form.

Jumping (Base Feat, Athletics 3) You may automatically succeed in any Athletics test with a Difficulty of less than 9 that involves jumping.

Kabong (Feat, Agility 1, Combat 2) Once per battle you may attack with a lute (or other instrument) you are carrying. You resolve this as a Combat test with only 2 dice. If both dice score, in addition to inflicting 2 damage, when the next Encounter Card is drawn you may choose to move it to the bottom of the draw deck and use the next card instead.

Keen (Base Feat, Wyldling, Awareness, Notice): At the start of each combat, you may discard the first card drawn and draw a new one.

Kindler (Base Feat, Dwarf, Combat 3, Tinker 4): Your character knows how to work (relatively) safely with smokepowder. This means they can wield a flintlock or blunderbuss. This is a ranged weapon that takes an action to reload (it starts each battle loaded). It explodes on a failed attack test (take 2 wounds, repair between sessions), jams on a Partial Success (a jam can only be cleared between Expeditions) but Success inflicts 3 damage and Exceptional Success inflicts 5.

Knife Fighter (Feat, Combat 3, Evasion) You specialize with the dagger. You may only specialize with one weapon so if you take this Feat you may not take any other Specialization Feats (which include Archer, Axe Fighter and Swordfighter). Knife Fighter gives you a re-roll when making an attack roll with the dagger (unless you are wearing heavy armor).

Lash (Feat, Agility 2, Combat 3) When armed with a whip in either main or off hand you may make a Lash attack on your turn which can’t inflict more than 2 damage (by any means) but if you scored with two or more dice, you also add an Advantage Chit to the Reserve.

Lead (Base Feat, Influence 3) You may automatically succeed in any Influence test with a Difficulty of less than 9 that involves leading others. This Feat and Strategy are prerequisites for certain Heroic Feats that involve battlefield commands.

Legends (Base Feat, Lore 3) You may automatically succeed in any Lore test with a Difficulty of less than 9 that involves the stories of any region known to you.

Lip Reading (Feat, Linguist 2, Perception 2) You may make a Perception test to attempt to read the lips of anyone speaking Common or any language you have taken a Feat to become fluent in. The difficulty will be determined by how far away the person speaking is and how clearly you can see their face.

Maneuver (Base Feat, Athletics 2, Combat 2) Once per turn, when making a melee attack while wearing Medium Armor in a situation where you have room to move you get 1 Advantage Chit that you must use in some way to resolve that attack or it is lost (it does not go into the Reserve).

Master Strategist (Feat, Combat 3, Coordinate) You begin each combat with 4 Advantage Chits in the Reserve (instead of the usual 2 for Coordinate). In addition, each Edge card that would normally add 1 Advantage Chit adds 2 instead.

Mastery (Feat, Requires any Skill at Rank 5+) You get a reroll when testing your Mastered skill. Each character may only be a Master of a single Skill. Record this with the skill name like this - Mastery (Lore).

Medicine (Base Feat, Lore 3) You may automatically succeed in any Lore test with a Difficulty of less than 9 that involves treating injuries or sickness. This won’t restore wounds.

Meditate (Base Feat, Elf, Endurance 2, Resolve 2): Once per Expedition, your character may meditate for 10 minutes which restores 1 Wound and and reinvigorates them as much as if they has rested for a full hour.

Merchant (Feat, Appraisal, Barter) Add +8 gold to your starting funds.

Missme (Base Feat, Fey, Agility 2, Combat 2, Evasion): The first time (and only the first time) your card is drawn in any Combat, your character uses a combination of limited invisibility and very limited teleportation to vanish. You don’t get an action but add 1 Advantage chit to the Reserve and if the next opponent action (and only the next opponent action) is supposed to target a single target, it must target you and it automatically misses.

Nature (Base Feat, Pathfinder 3) You may automatically succeed in any Pathfinder test with a Difficulty of less than 9 that involves the natural order of any region known to you. That includes information about weather patterns, seasons, flora and fauna.

Navigate (Feat, Lore 3, Pathfinder 3, Cartography, Sailor) You may make and read navigational maps.

Nibbles (Base Feat, Hearthlander, Snack, Profession - Cook) Once per Expedition you may share a snack with another character which heals both of you of 1 Wound each. This cannot be done in combat.

Notice (Base Feat, Perception 3) You may automatically succeed in any Perception test with a Difficulty of less than 9 that involves spotting something.

Observant (Feat, Requires any 3 of the following: Awareness, Insight, Notice, Search, Sense, Wake). You may treat any Partial Success with any Perception test as a Success.

Oha (Base Feat, Heathlander or Linguist 3) You may speak, read and write the language of the hearthlanders fluently. This never requires a test.

Omnivore (Base Feat, Hearthlander or Uruk, Endurance 1): Your character can eat just about anything and be nourished by it.

Opportunity Attack (Feat, Combat 4) Once per combat, when an Edge card is drawn instead of adding a chit to the Reserve you may take action as though it was your card that had been drawn.

Perform (Base Feat, Influence 3) You may automatically succeed in any Influence test with a Difficulty of less than 9 that involves giving an effective (and affecting) performance. The difficulty is determined by how receptive the audience is and the conditions in which the performance is made.

Persuade (Base Feat, Influence 3) You may automatically succeed in any Influence test with a Difficulty of less than 9 that involves convincing someone to do something or to influence their way of thinking (without lying or deception).

Planewalker (Base Feat, Fey or Hellspawn, Endurance 1, Resolve 1): You find planar travel invigorating. Every time you begin a Portal Expedition, recover 1 Wound.

Pomkifon (Base Feat, Fey or Linguist 4) You may speak, read and write the language of the Fey fluently. This never requires a test.

Poultice (Feat, Herbalist, Medicine): Once per Expedition, you may apply a treatment to yourself or a companion that will heal 2 Wounds. This may not be done in combat. You may expend a “Bundle of Vital Herbs” to do this in the Live Action space in an area that is not warded (such as the Ritual Room).

Prioritize (Feat, Combat 2, Coordinate) Once per combat, when a player card is drawn you may move it to the bottom of the deck and then keep pulling cards until another card player card comes up. When you do this anything you pull that isn’t a player card is returned to the bottom of the deck. If the next player card that comes up is the same as the one you ditched you still have to play it.

Profession (Base Feat) You have the skills required to make money doing something. It adds 1 gold to your starting money. If the thing you are doing makes use of a Feat you have, add 2 gold instead. For example, a Cook would add 1 gold, but if they have Craft: Cook, they add 2. A warrior adds 1 gold but if they also have the Fighter Feat they could be a soldier or guard for 2 gold. There is plenty of room to figure out what your Profession is. When in doubt, check with the staff.

Protect (Feat, Combat 4, Shield) When nearby member of your party takes 2 or more damage from any attack and you are carrying a readied shield you may reduce the damage by 1. The first time you do this it costs 1 Advantage Chit. The cost increased by 1 each time (2 chits the second time, 3 the third and so on).

Pummel (Feat, Combat 3, Brawling, Strength) Once per battle you may unleash a flurry of unarmed blows on you opponent. Make a Combat Test using only 2 dice. Each die that succeeds scores 2 damage.

Pure (Base Feat) Your character is pure of heart and cannot be corrupted or dominated by any evil force. Animals (particularly dogs and horses) can sense this and tend to react positively to them. You need to role-play this element of who and what they are or you will lose the Feat. It can only be taken after character creation with a clear and compelling rationale.

Quickshot (Feat, Combat 3, Aim) Normally, to make a Ranged Attack another character must volunteer to act as a Blocker for you by committing to make a melee attack as their next action. With Quickshot you don’t have to have a blocker to make a ranged attack (but not in heavy armor).

Rage (Feat, Combat 2, Endurance 2, Resolve 2) Once per battle, when you take damage from a close combat attack, you may choose to become Enraged. While Enraged, you add 1 to all of the dice you roll when you make an attack test in melee combat and subtract 1 from all of the dice you roll when defending from a melee attack. Being Enraged lasts until the end of the battle but you can end it early at the start of one of your turns.

Rally (Feat, Combat 3, Toughness) When an Edge card is drawn instead of adding a chit to the Reserve you may spend up to 3 chits to heal up to 3 wounds (each chit heals a wound).

Ranger (Feat, Requires any 3 of the following: Beastmastery, Cartography, Guide, Nature, Scout, Survival, Tracking). You may treat any Partial Success with any Pathfinder test as a Success.

Ravens (Base Feat) Every session you will be given two special scrolls. To use one fill out the top explaining who it is being sent to and then write your message. Give it to the Gatekeeper and in roughly a half hour it will be returned with a response.

Raw (Feat, Combat 3, Endurance 3, Resolve 3, Hard, Rage) While wearing no armor (carrying a shield is fine) and Enraged you may reduce the damage caused by any melee attack against you by 1. If you are *not* Enraged, you may choose to immediately become Enraged by an attack (assuming you haven’t been Enraged already this battle) so you can use this Feat against it. This stacks with Evasion but doesn’t stack with “Hard”.

Reach (Feat, Combat 2) When attacking a flying enemy that can be hit by a melee attack with a spear, you get an extra reroll.

Ready (Feat, Agility 3, Combat 3) If you are wearing light (or no) armor you begin each battle with 2 Advantage Chits. They do not go into the Reserve. They are yours alone to use - like a private reserve.

Rebirth (Base Feat, Fey): If you die, you are spontaneously reincarnated (still Fey but can be a different kind of Fey). You still recall who you were but now you are this new person. You can make changes to your character write up but the new character won’t have this Feat or anything to replace it (it has been expended). When you take this Feat it’s a good idea to have your reincarnation ready - new sheet, new badge and a costume change. Work with the staff to set it up (but keep it a secret).

Relentless (Base Feat, Uruk, Combat 2, Endurance 2, Resolve 2, Toughness): Once per combat, when your character is about to reach 0 Wounds, enough damage is countered that they retain 1 Wound (they stay conscious and keep fighting).

Religion (Base Feat, Lore 3) You may automatically succeed in any Lore test with a Difficulty of less than 9 that involves knowing about religion, the gods and divine magic.

Repair (Base Feat, Tinker 3) You may automatically succeed in any Tinker test with a Difficulty of less than 9 that involves repairing a mechanical device.

Retribution (Base Feat, Hellspawn, Combat 2, Resolve 2, Awareness): When your character takes damage from a melee attack, you may spend 1 Advantage Chit to cause a burst of flame that inflicts 1 wound on your attacker.

Riding (Base Feat, Athletics 3) You may automatically succeed in any Athletics test with a Difficulty of less than 9 that involves riding.

Riposte (Feat, Agility 3. Combat 4) After you are attacked by an opponent with a melee weapon you may spend 3 Advantage Chits to make an immediate counterattack with a one handed sword. This attack can be affected by Feats like any other.

Rogue (Feat, Requires any 3 of the following: Conceal, Skulk, Sleight, Sneak). You may treat any Partial Success with any Stealth test as a Success.

Rumors (Base Feat) You begin each session with 4 rumors instead of the usual 2. Two thirds of all rumors are at least partially true. The others range from harmless assumptions to being dangerously off target.

Runelore (Feat, Linguist 3, Arcana or Dungeoneer) You may automatically succeed in any Arcana or Linguist test with a Difficulty of less than 10 to translate magical runes.

Running (Base Feat, Athletics 3) You may automatically succeed in any Athletics test with a Difficulty of less than 9 that involves running.

Savage (Base Feat, Wyldling or Uruk, Combat 2, Endurance 2 or Resolve 2, Toughness): Once per combat, when you hit in melee combat, you may suffer a Wound to deal an additional Wound to your opponent.

Scary (Base Feat, Hellspawn or Uruk, Intimidate): You get an extra re-roll when using Influence to Intimidate someone. In addition, a Partial Success counts as a Success. In Combat, when an Edge card is drawn and your opponents are humanoids who aren’t “fearless” if you spend 2 Advantage chits discard the next opponent card that comes up.

Scholar (Feat, Requires any 3 of the following: Appraisal, Arcana, History, Legends, Religion, Strategy, Streetwise). You may treat any Partial Success with any Lore test as a Success.

Scout (Base Feat, Pathfinder 3) You may automatically succeed in any Pathfinder test with a Difficulty of less than 9 that involves avoiding dangers of various kinds including terrain and creatures. It isn’t always possible to avoid everything but a skilled scout can go a long way to providing a safe trip.

Search (Base Feat, Perception 3) You may automatically succeed in any Perception test with a Difficulty of less than 9 that involves searching an area.

Second Wind (Feat, Combat 2, Endurance 2, Resolve 2) Once per battle, instead of taking a turn you may heal 2 Wounds.

Sense (Base Feat, Perception 3) You may automatically succeed in any Perception test with a Difficulty of less than 9 that involves noticing supernatural phenomena such as cold spots, unnatural darkness and the intangible presence of the infernal or the undead. This sort of test is used to determine if a character notices a Glyph or Ward (but a Lore/Arcana test is required to figure out what it might be)

Shadow (Feat, Perception 2, Skulk, Sneak) You may automatically succeed in any Stealth test with a Difficulty of less than 10 that involves following someone. This is often done as a single test instead of breaking it down into a series of skulk and sneak tests.

Shield (Base Feat, Combat 2) When fighting with a shield in one hand and a weapon in the other you may you automatically succeed when defending against a melee or ranged attack if the Combat test has a Difficulty of less than 9 (reducing the damage by 2). This does not help against magic attacks.

Shield Bash (Feat, Combat 4, Shield) Once per combat, when making a melee attack with a weapon in one hand and a shield in the other, if two or more of the dice rolled for your combat test score two points higher than the target’s defense, add 1 damage. If you also have the Bash Feat, you may use both at once, scoring a total of two additional points of damage.

Shield Block (Feat, Combat 3, Shield) Once per battle, after using the Shield Feat to make a defense test without rolling, you may increase the effect from lowering the incoming damage by 2 points to 4 but you lose the use of your shield for the rest of the battle. This effects of this Feat cannot be combined with any others.

Shield Rush (Feat, Athletics 2, Combat 3, Shield) Once per battle, if you have a shield on your turn you may choose to make a Shield Rush attack. Resolve with a Combat test. If you inflict at least 1 damage you get a +1 damage bonus but if none of your dice score, you lose your next turn. This cannot be combined with any other Feat.

Shop (Feat, Merchant, Profession) You have a shop where you ply your trade with your Profession. It has to be something for which a shop would bring you more business. Gives you 6x the income from your Profession (so +6gd for having Profession instead of the usual +1, +12gd if you also have a qualifying feat to exploit). If you also have the Trade Guild Feat, these adds are doubled (+12 or +24).

Sign (Base Feat, Linguist 3) You know sign language with which you can communicate silently in common and with any language you have taken a Feat to become fluent in.

Skills are the things your character learns that determine what they can do and how well they can do them. Feats are extensions of that knowledge and those abilities. They will help you do things better, more reliably or provide new abilities that expand your options.

Skirmisher (Feat, Combat 4, Maneuver) Once per battle, while wearing Medium Armor, when your turn comes up you may spend 2 Advantage chits to take two turns in a row. When you do this, discard the next turn that comes up (you have already used it).

Skulk (Base Feat, Stealth 3) You may automatically succeed in any Stealth test with a Difficulty of less than 9 that involves moving without being seen.

Skurn (Base Feat, Linguist 2) The language of the Nords. Has no written form. 

Sleight (Base Feat, Stealth 3) You may automatically succeed in any Stealth test with a Difficulty of less than 9 that involves picking up (lifting), concealing or moving handheld objects without being seen.

Smash (Feat, Combat 3, Strength) When attacking with a large two handed melee weapon such as a Greataxe, Greatsword or Great Club and you score an Exceptional Success, you may spend an Advantage Chit to inflict an extra point of damage (inflicting 4 points total).

Smite (Feat, Combat 4, Resolve 4, Faith or Pure) When you make a melee attack against an undead or demonic opponent that scores at least 1 damage, you may spend 1 Advantage Chit to add 1 damage to the result.

Smol (Base Feat, Hearthlander, Agility 1, Combat 1): When defending yourself against the melee attack of a much larger opponent (at least double your size), you get an extra re-roll.

Snack (Base Feat, Hearthlander): Once per Expedition your character can have a “bit of a rest and a bit of a snack” which takes 10 minutes but restores 1 Wound and reinvigorates them as much as if they has rested for a full hour. “Right! Let’s get back to it!”.

Sneak (Base Feat, Stealth 3) You may automatically succeed in any Stealth test with a Difficulty of less than 9 that involves moving silently.

Sneak Attack (Feat, Combat 3, Knife Fighter, Skulk) If you attack by surprise with a dagger, you get an extra re-roll and if you hit, you score an extra point of damage. That can be hard to manage once battle is engaged. If it is the first attack of a battle (by anyone) and you have the Crit Feat you may use it without spending Advantage Chits if you hit (for +3 damage total).

Source (Base Feat) You have access to someone who has access to information. When you take this Feat work with the Staff to decide who they are and what kind of information they have access to. Between sessions you can use his access to ask your source for information on any chosen topic. They will do their best to answer. If you have this ability you can use a Raven Scroll to ask for information during play.

Stoneskin (Base Feat, Dwarf - Combat 2, Endurance 2): Once per combat, you may reduce the damage you take from an attack by 1.

Strategy (Base Feat, Lore 3) You may automatically succeed in any Lore test with a Difficulty of less than 9 that involves knowledge of strategy (large scale) and tactics (small scale). This doesn’t include execution of battle plans. That is often going to require at least one Leadership test of some kind. This Feat and Lead are also prerequisites for certain Heroic Feats that involve battlefield commands.

Streetwise (Base Feat, Lore 3) You may automatically succeed in any Lore test with a Difficulty of less than 10 that involves knowing the workings of the criminal underworld in any region known to you.

Strength (Base Feat, Athletics 3) You may automatically succeed in any Athletics test with a Difficulty of less than 9 that involves feats of strength such as forcing open a door or lifting a heavy gates.

Support (Feat, Combat 1) When one of your player cards is chosen you may choose another character to support. The next time their card comes up, if they test they get a +1 to all 3 dice (a character can only be supported once - multiple Support effects do not stack). This is another option for noncombat characters who want a way to contribute more to battles.

Supporter (Base Feat, Hearthlander, Combat 2, Support): When an Edge card comes up, instead of adding 1 Advantage Chit to the Reserve you may Support the character of your choice. Indicate this by placing your significator in front of them. The next time their card comes up, if they test they get a +1 to all 3 dice (a character can only be supported once - multiple Support effects do not stack). When the effect is triggered, take your card back.

Sureshot (Feat, Combat 5, Aim, Archer, Target) Once per battle you may automatically score an Exceptional Success with your bow or crossbow (unless you are wearing heavy armor). This may be combined with First Shot (to attack at the as the battle begins before any cards are drawn) but may not be combined with any other Feat.

Survival (Base Feat, Pathfinder 3) You may automatically succeed in any Pathfinder test with a Difficulty of less than 9 that involves surviving the elements, helping a party you are guiding survive the elements, finding a safe place to camp, foraging to find food and finding safe water.

Swimming (Base Feat, Athletics 3) You may hold your breath for twice as long as most and you automatically succeed in any Athletics test with a Difficulty of less than 9 that involves swimming.

Swordfighter (Feat, Combat 3, Blade or Fighter) You specialize with the sword. You may only specialize with one weapon so if you take this Feat you may not take any other Specialization Feat (which include Archer, Axe Fighter and Knife Fighter). Swordfighter gives you a re-roll when making an attack roll with a one handed sword (whether or not something is in the other hand).

Tank (Feat, Combat 5, Durable, Unyielding) While wearing heavy armor, you may reduce the damage caused by a melee or ranged attack that inflicts 4 or more damage by 1. This is always the first consideration before any other Feats or the defense test. This does not help against magic attacks.

Target (Feat, Combat 4, Archer) When you inflict damage with a bow, you may spend 2 Advantage chits to inflict +1 damage (unless you are wearing heavy armor).

Taunt (Feat, Combat 3, Intimidate) You may use an action and spend 1 Advantage Chit to Taunt an opponent, making you their target of choice for the rest of the combat or until one of you goes down. If for some reason they can’t see or reach you the effect ends and they may attack someone else.

Teach (Base Feat, Influence 3) You may automatically succeed in any Influence test with a Difficulty of less than 9 that involves teaching.

Teacher (Feat, Teach) Normally, once per session any character with a Skill at Rank 3 or higher can teach another character in the live action space, earning both teacher and student 2 experience. The Teacher Feat allows a character to teach anyone who has a skill at any Rank to teach a skill at a lower Rank. They may also teach any of the Subskill Feats they have (any of the ones like Climbing that allow an automatic success with a specific Subskill against a Difficulty of 9 or less). Lastly, a teacher can teach up to 3 students a session (but each student can only be taught once and no one can be a student and teacher in the same session). A character who is taught a Skill or Subksill feat must use the experience they earned to buy the advance as soon as possible.

Telktar (Base Feat, Dwarven or Linguist 3) You may speak, read and write the language of the dwarves, fluently. This never requires a test.

Tend (Feat, Medicine) Once per Session, you may heal a willing character of all damage they have taken. On Expedition, this takes an hour. In the Live Action space this takes 15 minutes in an area that is not warded (such as the Ritual Room).

Thieves Guild (Feat, Daggervile, Fence) Your guild involvement doubles the amount Fence adds to your starting purse (to +30 gold) but the Guild will sometimes make (occasionally unsavory) demands.

Tireless (Feat, Endurance 4, Resolve 4) Your character doesn’t have to rest and sleeps a fraction of whatever their race normally does. They also automatically succeed at any test to resist fatigue or exhaustion.

Tool Kit (Feat) A portable set of tools that allows you to use Build, Repair and Craft anywhere. In the Live Action area this should be done in the Ritual Room (knowing you may do this you should consider having some props available).  

Toughness (Base Feat, Combat 3) You may take an additional wound which is represented by adding a red bead to your badge.

Tracking (Base Feat, Pathfinder 3) You may automatically succeed in any Pathfinder test with a Difficulty of less than 9 that involves tracking.

Trade Guild (Feat, Eler, Merchant) Your guild involvement doubles the amount Merchant adds to your starting purse (to +16 gold, +32 if you are a Master Merchant) but the Guild will sometimes make demands.

Trader (Feat, Merchant) You may buy up to 3 “Investments” for 20 gold each that can be checked out out after a session. These Investments can be exchanged for 25 gold each during check in.

Treat (Feat, Poultice, Tend) Once per Expedition, you may use your action to heal a willing character you can reach with your movement. They recover 2 Wounds, but lose their next turn.

Trick Shot (Feat, Combat 3, Archer) When you hit with your bow and would normally inflict 2 or more damage you may use this Feat to reduce your damage by 1 and add 2 Advantage Chits to your Reserve (unless you are wearing heavy armor).

Truesight (Base Feat, Fey, Perception 3): Your character automatically succeeds at any test to resist the effects of illusion magic.

Truespeak (Base Feat, Elf, Linguist 4, Arcana): You may speak a few words and phrases of what the elves call “Truespeak” which they believe to be “the language of creation”. These words are supernaturally compelling. You have become adept at working them imperceptibly into otherwise normal language, giving you a reroll with any Influence test.

Tunnelfighter (Base Feat, Dwarf, Combat 2, Perception 2): When fighting underground in close quarters and in dim light, you get an extra re-roll every time you attack.

Ulde (Feat, Linguist 3, History) You have learned to read and write Ulde, an antiquated form of common. This never requires a test. There is a spoken form which you know but it is seldom used.

Unyielding (Feat, Combat 3, Resolve 3) When wearing heavy armor you may reduce the damage of a melee or ranged attack by 1. The first time you do this, you must spend 1 Advantage Chit. The second time you have spend 2 chits and so forth. This is done after the defense test is made and taken into consideration and may be combined with other Feats. This does not help against magic attacks.

Vital (Feat, Toughness) When making a Death Save, the first time your character suffers a Mortal Wound you may re-test. If you lose again, the result stands and your character has a Mortal Wound.

Wake (Base Feat, Perception 3) You may automatically succeed in any Perception test with a Difficulty of less than 9 when your character is sleeping and there is noise in the area that could wake them up.

Wallop (Feat, Combat 3, Strength) When attacking with a large two handed club you may make a Bash attack by making a Combat Test with a -1 to each die but if you score an Exceptional Success, you deal an extra point of damage (inflicting 4 points total). If you also have the Smash Feat you may also spend an Advantage Chit to inflict an extra point of damage (raising the total damage inflicted to 5 points).

Whiplash (Feat, Combat 3, Lash) You specialize with the whip. You may only specialize with one weapon so if you take this Feat you may not take any other Specialization Feats. Whiplash gives you a re-roll when making an attack roll with the whip (unless you are wearing heavy armor).

Wrist Crossbow (Feat, Agility 4, Combat 3, Build) Once per battle, when an Edge card is drawn, instead of taking an Advantage Chit, you can make a wrist crossbow attack by taking a Combat test with a +1 to all three dice but that can’t inflict more than 2 damage and can’t be affected by other Feats.