Release day! 

I am finally ready to open the doors! 

Some notes - 

My intention is to have everything done that will be done by the end of the year. It is October 19th now. The only reason I am not 100% confident I can deliver by that date is I ma still having health issues and my surgery is scheduled for December 3rd. I will try my best anyway. Bear in mind that more than half of this final build was done while I was unwell. I am very stubborn ;)

So where do we stand?

Most of the important changes have been made and important new material has been added. There should now be a wide enough range of options that allows for all kinds of concepts and builds while providing enough material that no one should run out of ways to grow and develop their characters for a very long time (if ever). I also made this version as easy to use as I could manage. 

So what is left to be done?

EDITING: This was just me working in a vacuum. I have not even properly spell checked everything. That means there are mistakes of all kinds that will be hunted down and foxed but for now expect a bit of a mess. 


MAGIC FEATS: There are Feats that expand the power granted by Disciplines and add abilities based on your Tradition. Some have been provided. There will be more. Soon. 

BALANCE CHECK: Will have my “Council of the Wise” take a pass to make sure I haven’t added anything that throws off the balance of the game in one way or another. I may add or edit a few t things to correct any imbalance we find. 

PARAGON CLASSES: There is room to flesh out this list and add options. Expect between 4 and 8 more. 

PARAGON FEATS: Paragon Classes unlock special powerful Feats. I will add those last or close to last because they affect the fewest characters.  

MASTER REFERENCE: The compiled list of everything in alphabetical order has to be done close to last and then redone as soon as everything has been added and edited. 

COSMETICS: There is a lot to be done to shore up the look and feel of the site. It will get done along with everything else. 



GM Support


Magic Edit