
Experience is how you will earn Advances used to upgrade your character.

NOTE: In previous versions of the rules, experience earned certain ways was assigned to a specific character while some experience was “banked” which was linked to the player and could be used by any of their characters. Henceforth all experience is banked.

The base award that drives the system is 10 experience for playing a session.

  • SERVICE: If during a session you performed a role that contributed to the overall experience but that required you to spend a significant amount of time not seeing to your characters needs or goals you earn 5 extra experience. These are things like serving as Archivist, Battle Master, Dealer, Herald or Wench.

  • BADGE CHARMS: You will have the opportunity during most sessions to perform tasks to earn badge charms. For every charm you earn you also earn 2 experience assigned to the character who earned the charm. You can’t earn more than 3 charms a session (which would give you 6 experience points).

  • GAMEMASTERS: The first time you moderate an Expedition, you earn 3 experience. The second time, you earn 2 exp and the third 1 exp (no experience is earned for moderating more than 3 Expeditions).

  • PLOT CHARACTERS: When you play a Plot character for an entire session you earn 15 experience. This is fixed value. Nothing else can earn you experience over and above this. For example - Badge Charms cannot be earned by Plot Characters and no bonus experience is earned if your role (and the Staff) calls upon you to Moderate one or more Expeditions.

There are some other places where experience bonuses can be earned. No matter where you earn your experience or how be sure to let the Archivist know what you have earned and how. It is the only way to ensure those points are recorded.

Spending Experience

Between sessions you may spend experience to take Advances at a rate of 10 experience per Advance.

An Advance can be used to raise the Skill Rank of a Skill by 1 or to buy a Feat.

This can actually be done during a session by undertaking an Expedition to the Hallowed Grove. Only 1 advance can be taken but it is even possible to borrow against experience you haven’t earned yet to take it.

Experience will be tracked for all your characters both in terms of Experience Earned and Experience Spent.

Legacy Experience

When you retire a character (or they are demised) you receive half of their Earned Experience as Legacy Points.

You must spend as much of you spend your Legacy Points during character generation as possible (you retain remainders as Earned Experience).

Legacy Experience buys Advances at 10 to 1 as usual but 20 points can also be used to buy aan Advantage that doesn’t need to be offset by a Disadvantage and doesn’t count against the usual limit.

At some point there will also be Legacy Feats that can only be bought with Legacy Points.