
The following are the races most frequently encountered at the Ram’s Head.

Everyone must choose a Race for their character during character creation. Each race gives you one or more Features such as special senses and knowing certain languages. In addition, there are some Advantages, Disadvantages and Feats that are restricted to members of a certain race.

The sections on how the races look are only suggestions. The goal is to find a way to to present your race in a way that will be obvious to other players.

Be warned: Only humans can be Raised from the Dead. It requires Ritual Magic and can only be done once per person. The other races cannot be raised.


There are many “races of man” spread across the wide world. The the Arethi are the native humans of Kaleth and the most common variation encountered there by a wide margin. In Kaleth you may also encounter Nords, originally from the far north and the Iash, who are the people of Cereborn. Consult the “Peoples of Kaleth” in the Gazeteer for more information on each of these subgroups.

Only Nords get the Skurn Racial Feature and only Iash characters get the Cerul feature.

Advantaged (Racial) Humans may have two Advantages. For each Advantage they choose, they must also take a Disadvantage.

Language: Skurn (Basic Feat) Speaks the language of the Nords. Has no written form.

Language: Cerul (Basic Feat) The language of the Iash of Cereborn. Has both spoken and written forms.


There are many different bloodlines of Dwarf. Hill dwarves live above the earth, Mountain Dwarves in and deeper still, the Gnomes - many of whom have never seen sunlight.

The Look: Usually bearded (men and women) but not always. Beards are black or primary colors, braided and adorned with trinkets. Functional clothing. Have a tendancy to wear armor, even in the tavern. Wear runes on what they wear (Futhark stands in for dwarven nicely).

Lifespan: Dwarves are long lived. They aren’t even considered fully mature until their 100th bithday. They live many human lifetimes. It is hard for non dwarves to tell how old all but the youngest or oldest dwarves are just be looking at them.

Delverdim (Racial) Dwarves can see in the dark better than any other known race except infernals. In very low light they lose the ability to see colors but even in total darkness they can still see about twenty feet.

Language: Telktar (Basic Feat) The dwarven language. Has both spoken and written forms.


Often called “High Elves” in other games. Elegant and ageless.

The Look: Pointed ears. Pale skin. Blonde or platinum blonde hair.

Lifespan: Potentially immortal. They don’t perceptibly age when they reach maturity. They don’t die of “natural causes” but can choose to die whenever they like my choosing to “dream of nothing” when they go to sleep which they do when there is nothing left to tie them to life.

Shadow Sight (Racial) Elves can see in low light as well as humans can see in daylight. As long as there is a little light (such as a candle or starlight) they can see. This doesn’t help them in total darkness.

Language: Aoerul (Basic Feat) The elven language. Has both spoken and written forms.


The Fey “Otherworld” borders on countless planes of existence. The gray road that leads to the Ram’s Head often crosses through Fey domain. A few Fey have become intrigued by the road and those who travel on it and follow it to the tavern.

There are many different kinds of Fey. The most common sorts encountered at the Ram’s Head are Gnomes and Fairies. In their own domain they are quite small but at the Ram’s Head they find themselves to be human sized - which is quite novel. Sadly at full size Fairy wings don’t work.

The Look: Varies by type. Consult the works of Brain and Wendy Froud, Amy Brown and Neil Gaimen. Playful. Colorful. Absurd.

Lifespan: All Fey are essentially immortal but have a kind of poor long term memory that prevents the from actually retaining all they have experienced. Fey nobles are the exception and having navigated seas of time accumulate depths of lore and insight but most Fey are childlike.

Feysight (Racial) They don’t really need light to see, but they do need color. A drab or monochromatic environment is like darkness to them. As long as there is some color and variation, they can see just fine.

Language: Pomkifon (Basic Feat) The fae language. Has both spoken and written forms.


Many call this charming and wholesome folk “halflings” but though they are smaller than humans they aren’t half of anything. They are a hearty and noble people in their own right. Beloved by many.

The Look: Humble. Fuzzy feet.

Lifespan: Hearthlanders live two or three times as long as humans. They age at the same rate until they mature at which point aging seems to slow. Hearthlanders stay middle aged for decades.

Lifesight (Racial) Hearthlanders can see like humans but not quite as well (they often require spectacles as they age) but they can also see the glow given off by the auras of living creatures. They can't read the auras as such (the glow they see isn't like a mood ring) but they can see by it. Passionate, happy people glow the brightest. Sad, unhappy people barely glow at all. Groups glow more collectively than individuals. A party is like a sparkly noonday to them. 

Language: Oha (Basic Feat) The hearthlander language. Has both spoken and written forms.


The fiends of the infernal regions are bound to their own plane, to the service of their Demon Lords and through them to the Gods. There are times when a fiend a mortal produce offspring. I won’t get into the sordid details of how or why. Suffice it to say it happens.

The Look: Must have difficult hard to conceal physical evidence of their heritage. Horns, tail and or strangely colored skin or hair.

Lifespan: Hellspawn are long lived and don’t seem to age. They mature at the expected rate but then stay young until they die, never really growing old.

Hellsight (Racial) Hellspawn vision is affected more by temperature than available light. They see very well if it is hot, but are nearly blind if it is cold. Living things also stand out to them, partially because of the heat of their bodies but also because of their “life glow”.

Language: Infernal (Basic Feat) The language of demons. Has both spoken and written forms.


A very diverse people. There are tribes that tend to have phyically smaller people that some others refer to as “Goblins” while those with larger members are called “Hobgoblins” or “Orcs” and the very largest as “Ogres” but they think of themselves as Uruks no matter how large they are.

The Look: Rough. Dusky to green skin. Tousles of dark hair hacked into shape. Primitive/savage garb and gear. Leather and bone. Scarification.

Lifespan: Shorter than humans. They reach physical maturity faster (Uruks are full sized and considered adults in their 10th year). They remain adults for another 20 years and around 30 begin aging rapidly, ofgten dying of natural causes between 40 and 50. Very few Uruks live past 50 and those in their 40’s are considered “old”.

Night Eyes (Racial) Uruks are nocturnal by nature. They see well in low light conditions (but not total darkness) but bright light is blinding. They operate well at night but have to shield their eyes during the day, preferring to be indoors (or underground) midday.

Language: Gharj (Basic Feat) Speaks the uruk language. Has no written form.


Something between the classic Wood Elves and Forest Gnomes, these are “Wilder Elves” (or to some “Savage Elves”).

The Look: Tribal. Leather and fur. Beads. Feathers. Brightly colored (anime) hair. Prominent pointed ears. Tattoos are used to commemorate deeds, milestones and life changes. Young Wildlings only have a few. Older and more experienced Wyldlings have many more.

Lifespan: Similar to humans.

Shadow Sight (Racial) Wyldlings can see in low light as well as humans can see in daylight. As long as there is a little light (such as a candle or starlight) they can see. This doesn’t help them in total darkness.

Language: Jae (Basic Feat) Speaks the wyldling language. Has no written form.